Aminet 24
Aminet 24 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1998].iso
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Text File
481 lines
;/* Total Football - Fastram loader (HD Installer)
* ----------------------------------------------
* Requirements: 3MB of free continious fastram available (for the 3
* mirrored game disks)
* This source code is provided here so that;
* 1) Domark may possibly learn from it ... hehehe :)
* 2) Other people (assembly coders) can fix all these types of game to work
* from hard-disk with ease...
* This source is fully freeware! do what you wish with it!
* Even use it in commercial games if you want.. go on see if I care!
_custom = $DFF000
intena = $9A
color = $180
dmacon = $96
fmode = $1fc
bplcon3 = $106
AbsExecBase = $4
MaxLocMem = $3E
MaxExtMem = $4E
AttnFlags = $128
tv_UserIntVects = $100
tv_TrapInstrVects = $80
_LVOSupervisor = -30
_LVOOldOpenLibrary = -408
_LVOWaitPort = $FFFFFE80
_LVOReplyMsg = $FFFFFE86
_LVOForbid = $FFFFFF7C
_LVOPermit = $FFFFFF76
pr_CLI = $AC
pr_MsgPort = $5C
CACRF_CopyBack = $80000000 * Enable Copyback mode (`040+)
CACRF_EnableE = $40000000 * Enable External Caches
CACRF_WriteAllocate = $00002000 * Enable Write Allocate (`030+)
CACRF_DBE = $00001000 * Data Burst (`030+)
CACRF_ClearD = $00000800 * Flush Data Cache (`030+)
CACRF_FreezeD = $00000200 * Freeze Data Cache (`030+)
CACRF_EnableD = $00000100 * Enable Data Cache (`030+)
CACRF_IBE = $00000010 * Inst Burst (`030+)
CACRF_ClearI = $00000008 * Flush Inst Cache (`020+)
CACRF_FreezeI = $00000002 * Freeze Inst Cache (`020+)
CACRF_EnableI = $00000001 * Enable Inst Cache (`020+)
* Enable Instruction-cache()
* Enable Data-cache()
* Enable Write-allocate()
section fastram,code_f
*-------------- handle a workbench startup..
HD_Install: move.l d0,d7 ;save CLI params len
move.l a0,a5 ;save CLI params ptr
suba.l a1,a1 ;clear a1
move.l 4.w,a6 ;get execbase
jsr _LVOFindTask(a6) ;find *THIS* task
move.l d0,a4 ;get task ptr
move.l d7,d0 ;restore CLI params len
move.l a5,a0 ;restore CLI params ptr
tst.l pr_CLI(a4) ;did we originate from CLI?
bne.s ProgStart ;yes...call our program
lea pr_MsgPort(a4),a0 ;from wb.. handle wb_startup
move.l a0,a4
jsr _LVOWaitPort(a6) ;wait for a message
move.l a4,a0
jsr _LVOGetMsg(a6) ;then get it
move.l d0,-(sp)
bsr.s ProgStart
move.l d0,d7 ;save CLI Return code
move.l 4.w,a6
jsr _LVOForbid(a6)
move.l (sp)+,a1
jsr _LVOReplyMsg(a6)
move.l d7,d0 ;exit code
ProgStart move.l 4.w,a6
lea DOSName(pc),a1 * lib name in a1
jsr _LVOOldOpenLibrary(a6) * try to open library
move.l d0,_DOSBase * store lib base
beq.w bad_file * cleanup and quit if fail
*-------------- load disk 1 mirror into fastram..
lea disk1.txt(pc),a0
lea diskdata+901120*0,a1
bsr RealLoadDOSFile
tst.l d0
bne.w bad_file
*-------------- load disk 2 mirror into fastram..
lea disk2.txt(pc),a0
lea diskdata+901120*1,a1
bsr RealLoadDOSFile
tst.l d0
bne.w bad_file
*-------------- load disk 3 mirror into fastram..
lea disk3.txt(pc),a0
lea diskdata+901120*2,a1
bsr RealLoadDOSFile
tst.l d0
bne.w bad_file
*-------------- now take over machine now..
move.l 4.w,a6
lea Caches(pc),a5
jmp _LVOSupervisor(a6) * enter supervise mode!
*-------------- turn off all dma, interrupts, etc.
Caches: move.w #$7FFF,$dff096 * no dmacon
move.w #$7FFF,$dff09a * no intena
move.w #$7FFF,$dff09c * no intreq
*-------------- patch AGA hardware to reset to defaults (null)
move.w #$0,_custom+fmode * no AGA 64-bit fetchmodes..
move.w #$0,_custom+bplcon3 * no extra bitplane control
*-------------- turn OFF cpu caches.. (sob!)
move.l #CACRF_FreezeI+CACRF_FreezeD+CACRF_WriteAllocate,d0
movec d0,cacr
*-------------- reset vectorbase to zeropage
moveq #0,d0
movec d0,vbr
*-------------- init our fastram loader..
lea diskdata,a0 * disk image`s buffer
lea blockmem,a1 * 512 Bytes fastram buffer
jsr InitDOSLoad
*-------------- load in the game loader..
* NB:
* ---
* All these lame and dirty absolute addresses are needed because the original
* game is address relocated to $19268 in chipram!! ARRRGG!!!!! Wake up DOMARK!
lea chipload.txt(pc),a0
lea $19268,a1
jsr fastload
*-------------- re-direct he game`s hardware disk loader to our fastram loader
move.l (AbsExecBase).l,a6
lea ($4000).l,sp * set absolute stack (doh!)
lea (tv_UserIntVects).l,a0
move.w (AttnFlags,a6),($2F6,a0) * total football`s main
move.l (MaxLocMem,a6),($2F8,a0) * loader expect`s at these
move.l (MaxExtMem,a6),($2FC,a0) * low memory addresses to
move.l #$480,$400.w * have these variables
move.l #$880,$404.w * which is pretty lame eh!
lea $19268,a0 * a0.l = base of game loader
move.w #$4e75,$2500(a0) * no drive select grinds
* patched to simply "RTS"
move.w #$4ef9,$25e6(a0) * patch loader to "JMP" to the
move.l #fastload,$25e6+2(a0) * address of our 'fastload'
move.w #$600e,$23e0(a0) * skip past disk select checks
* patched to "BRA.S"..
jmp (a0) * jump into the game!
cnop 0,4
move.l a1,a4
move.l a0,d1
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2 * open mode
move.l _DOSBase,a6
jsr _LVOOpen(a6) * open file
move.l d0,d6 * save filehandle
beq.s err * open error result?
move.l d6,d1 * filehandle
move.l a4,d2 * buffer
move.l #901120,d3 * l = length read
jsr _LVORead(a6) * call Read/Write
move.l d0,d2 * save read length
beq.s err
move.l d6,d1 * filebuffer
jsr _LVOClose(a6) * Close File
moveq #0,d0
err: moveq #-1,d0
bad_file: move.w #$f00,$dff180 * red flash of screen..
moveq #5,d0 * exit to dos.. (warn)
_DOSBase dc.l 0
DOSName: dc.b 'dos.library',0
chipload.txt: dc.b 'chipram.exe',0
disk1.txt: dc.b 'total:total1',0
disk2.txt: dc.b 'total:total2',0
disk3.txt: dc.b 'total:total3',0
cnop 0,4
fastload: movem.l d0-a6,-(sp)
moveq #0,d0 * d0.w = disk to load from
bsr.b LoadDOSFile
movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6
movem.l d0-a6,-(sp)
moveq #1,d0 * d0.w = disk to load from
bsr.b LoadDOSFile
movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6
movem.l d0-a6,-(sp)
moveq #2,d0 * d0.w = disk to load from
bsr.b LoadDOSFile
movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6
moveq #0,d0
* FASTRAM AmigaDOSFile Loader
* ---------------------------
* $Inputs: a0.l = filename
* a1.l = load buffer
* d0.w = number of disk to load from..
* $Outputs: d0.l = resultcode
error = 0 * 0-1 (.W)
disk_number = 1 * 1-2 (.W)
load_address = 2 * 2-6 (.L)
LoadBase: bra.b LoadDOSFile * 00 jump table..
bra.w InitDOSLoad * 01
cnop 0,4 * quad aligned..
LoadDOSFile: movem.l d2-d7/a0-a4/a6,-(a7)
move.l a0,a6
move.l a1,a5
move.l a5,-(sp)
bsr.b Find_file
move.l (sp)+,d1
sub.l a5,d1
moveq #0,d0 * d0.l = result code..
move.b (a2),d0
neg.l d1 * d1.l = load length..
movem.l (a7)+,d2-d7/a0-a4/a6
cnop 0,4
Find_file lea variables(pc),a2
move.b d0,disk_number(a2)
move.l a5,load_address(a2)
clr.b (a2)
move.l blockbuff_ptr(pc),a0 * get disk's root dir.
move.w #880,d0
bsr.w Get_block
tst.b (a2)
bne.w file_eror
move.l a6,a4
moveq #0,d0
dir_loop move.b (a4),d7 * find file's root dir
beq.s root_dir
cmpi.b #"/",d7 * and get length of subdir name
beq.s oblique * if required.
addq.w #1,a4
addq.w #1,d0
bra.b dir_loop
cnop 0,4
oblique move.w d0,d7 * d0 = dir name length
move.w d0,d6
subq.w #1,d7
bsr.w hash_name * hash dir name into d0
move.l $18(a0,d0.w*4),d0 * header block for this hash
beq.w file_not_found
get_dir_header bsr.w Get_block
tst.b (a2)
bne.w file_eror
bsr.w compare_names
tst.w d7
beq.s next_in_chain
addq.w #1,a4
move.l a4,a6
bra.b find_files_root_dir_loop
cnop 0,4
next_in_chain move.l $1f0(a0),d0
bne.b get_dir_header
bra.b file_not_found
cnop 0,4
root_dir move.w d0,d7 * length of file name
move.w d0,d6
subq.w #1,d7
bsr.b hash_name
move.l $18(a0,d0.w*4),d0 * header block number for this hash
beq.b file_not_foun